For Daffodils — Cheerful Little Trumpets of Spring!

It has been a prolonged and challenging struggle towards Spring here in this section of the Midwest, with late accumulating snows and unseasonably cold temperatures. Emerging daffodils standing knee-deep in snow, bent over, and huddled for warmth.

Yet, despite it all, the little daffodils in front of my home have stubbornly persisted to send forth their bright and cheerful yellow flowers once again, heralding the pending and long-awaited arrival of Spring.

Here then, for National Poetry Month and our Daffodils, the “Cheerful Little Trumpets of Spring” . . . .

Our cheery little daffodil,

There — blooming on the hill.

Stoutly braving both snow and chill,

Providing us all an early thrill.

Stout-hearted little daffodil,

My heart with Spring’s warmth, you fill.

Brightly courageous little daffodil,

Serene and peaceful, never shrill.

Oh! Our spunky and brave little daffodil,

In shadows and gloom, you inspire me still.

Thank You always for visiting and spending part of your day with us. We each can make a positive difference in the world. Choose to be courageous — to be a cheery, hopeful daffodil in someone’s chilly winter’s day. — Jim  (and Red!)

“Daffodils are yellow trumpets of spring.” — Richard L. Ratliff

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“She turned to the sunlight and shook her yellow head.
And whispered to her neighbor — ‘Winter is dead.’ ” — A. A. Milne 

2 thoughts on “For Daffodils — Cheerful Little Trumpets of Spring!

  1. My daughter lives about 30ish miles south of me and hers have been in full bloom for a few weeks too, while ours only opened just last week. Amazing the difference just a few miles can make, but she lives in the city where it is always warmer due to the “heat island” effect, while I am located in a more rural, country area and always about 5 degrees colder than the city, regardless of the season. It makes a difference. Cheers and thanks for visiting, Patrick! 🙂


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