“Who or What is Mickey McJibbers???”

It would give Little Red Bear and I great pleasure to introduce you to a new story character coming to the next collection of Red’s stories — “The Second Holler Over!” — and to tell you all about him, but as it turns out, we only know the name at this point in time — Mickey McJibbers. Or is it Mickie McJibbers — female???  We have no idea.

Most often, new characters arrive via my writing muse complete with a name, what or who they are, and frequently somewhat of a backstory. In this case, the only thing to come thru was the name — Mickey or Mickie McJibbers.

I get the sense though that he or she is a rather talkative, nervous sort, constantly jabbering on about something or other. And I think that explains the last name a bit — McJibbers — a mashup perhaps of Jabbers and Jitters.

But that still leaves us with the question of what or who the character is, and he (or she) is being of absolutely no help, obviously not very self-aware at this point, either.

So, we are stuck with trying to figure out just what sort of critter or person is Mickey or Mickie McJibbers? As stated, we know the name and nothing else about him or her at this point. Other than my feeling that the character appears to be a jittery jabberer.

Is the character a critter of some type? A person? What does he/she do? Where does he/she live? Why do I have such a strong feeling that he or she is of such a nervous disposition and given to incessant jabbering on about seemingly every trivial and unimportant thing?

Little Red Bear thought maybe you could help us with some suggestions and ideas, so please comment on this post and help us identify this new character to be able to include him/her in the upcoming adventure stories. If your identification is selected by Little Red Bear, he will even give you a credit in the next book. He’s known for doing nice things like that.

By the way, now is a good time to catch up on the “Adventures of Little Red Bear” stories if anyone hasn’t read or finished the first collection yet. Red and I are hard back at work on his stories again now following the summer move and there is still time before we are finished for you to meet all the characters and learn the history of the ongoing weasel fracas because the stories run in sequence thataway. We don’t want to see anyone left behind when the action starts anew! (There are always pesky weasels sneaking around and on the prowl, so best to be informed about for one’s own safety, you know.)

Thanks always for stopping by and visiting with us!  After you finish leaving a Mickey McJibbers comment and have some time on your hands, please feel free to browse around and check out the Free Reads and other features on the blog here. We are adding new ones all the time! — Jim  (and Red!)

“We know what we are, but not what we may be.” –  William Shakespeare

                      “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”                   – Mahatma Gandhi

Old-fashioned, Family-friendly Stories and Fun for All Ages!
About an Uncommonly Special Bear and His Friends.

                         “I’m not really sure which parts of myself are real and which parts are things I’ve gotten from books.” – Beatrice Sparks (“Go Ask Alice”)

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“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” – Ralph Ellison


4 thoughts on ““Who or What is Mickey McJibbers???”

  1. Hi Jim! I’m going to say…Mickie. When I think of the other version of the name, I think Mouse (thank you for that Walt Disney:) And so maybe she should be bigger than a mouse? Like really big…an elephant? She’s a forest ranger and keeps the peace among the animals. (Well, when she’s not jabbering on with the other creatures!) Maybe they keep a stash of peanuts handy to help keep her chattiness at bay? lol Can’t wait to see what you create her/him/they to be!

    Liked by 1 person

    • An elephant! Little Red Bear had quite a time trying to get along with the first elephant to appear in his adventures, in the “Crossing The Two Forks” story, but I like it, Tracy. It may take a heap of talking but I will see where Red is at with the idea. Thanks! Love the originality! 😀


  2. Well, Jim, based on the name alone, I see Mickey/Mickie as a squirrel. Squirrels are chatterboxes, and jittery to a (sometimes fatal) fault. But they can be loving and affectionate, too. Their tendency to hoard things is based on insecurity rather than selfishness
    But I’m sure you already know this. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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