Happy Book Lover’s Day — Why Lifetime Reading Is Important!

In honor of Book Lover’s Day on August 9th, some writing friends and I are sharing what books mean to us and how we enjoy them. I encourage you to visit their pages as well, listed at the end.

But one cannot talk about the subject of Books without also talking about Reading. Because unless they are being used solely for decoration, and that would be sad, books and reading go hand in hand. Or would it be hand on page?  Either way.

There are so many, many “rules” about writing, most of which I largely ignore. But one that I do believe has merit is that to be a good writer, one must also be a good and avid reader.  Simply put — the more writing one does in practice and the more reading one does in study and research, the better writer one is more likely to become. So, if you want to become a writer, then become a reader and learn to love books!

I have always been a lover of books, consistently reading two or three levels above my grade in school each year. All credit goes to my mother who began reading to me from a time before I can remember and was a continual reading advocate afterward. Unless cooking, gardening, or doing housework, she was never to be seen without a book in her hand. A stellar example, to be sure.

I wrote more about my love of books and what they mean to me in another post if you would like to see what I consider The Five Most Influential Books Guiding My Early Life.

I will never forget how astonished my new sixth-grade teacher was at the beginning of the school year, asking the class what we had read over the previous summer. I had read “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” by Homer, among several others. Skeptical (to say the least), I had to do impromptu book reports on each to convince her.

Later that year, she became another strong encourager of my becoming a writer someday. (My fourth-grade teacher was the first.)  And a lesson on why it is so vitally important to be aware of what we say to impressionable young children. They are likely to take you seriously!

For me, books are Gateways.  Books open doors to adventure, history, information and learning, and to other worlds both real and imagined that we could never hope to visit otherwise. Trust me, the land of Little Red Bear is an amazing place to visit, but one can only hope to travel there thru reading the Little Red Bear stories, as it is with all fiction.

Reading a classic is like having a conversation with an author who may have long since departed, yet the knowledge and wisdom can be passed on forever. When reading the preface and proverbs of Benjamin Franklin’s “Poor Richard’s Almanac” over my early years, I felt as though I was benefiting from kindly, grandfatherly advice.  How much would anyone be willing to pay to attend seminars led by Marcus Aurelias, Lao Tzu, Socrates, Michelangelo, or Henry David Thoreau?  Just to mention only a very few as an example. Books and reading make it possible. Choosing not to read is choosing to ignore and close the door (and mind!) to all of those possibilities.

Mark Twain said that — “The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.”

And that alone is why every child should be read to from the earliest age on. One of the most surprising predictors of success in life was discovered to be a child’s reading ability in primary school. Reading for pleasure, notably fiction, even at early ages, is far more important than imagined. It helps expand and foster imagination.

Encouraging reading and the development of engaged readers is fundamentally important, especially for boys, as there is a significant literacy gap between boys and girls from third grade all the way thru high school graduation. With so many distractions nowadays with sports activities, video games and more for both boys and girls, we all truly need to do everything we can to encourage a love of reading and books for children at the earliest age. Their future depends on it.

As a baby, even though they may have no concept of the meaning of the words, the mother’s or father’s voice is comforting, soothing, and bonding. As a toddler, it encourages and develops a fondness for the books themselves, as well as tightening family bonds. They get used to being around books, while at the same time seeing the reader’s beneficial example of enjoying the experience.  As a child grows, reading both to and with them sets and reinforces the foundation for a lifelong love of reading and education. Not to mention some of the highest quality time together.

Few things are as important as reading to a child and encouragement to keep them reading, to become avid learners. As we all should do to continue vitalizing and expanding our minds as we age. Daily cognitive stimulation (like reading) may help keep dementia away.

What do books mean to you? What are your all-time favorite books?  Please feel free to share in the comments, along with your own reading experiences.

Thanks always for visiting and reading with us!

As you can probably guess, my story character friend Little Red Bear and I are all about encouraging not only young readers but readers of every age. That is one of the main reasons why everything included in the “Short Works & Free Reads” tab at the top of the page here, is well — all Free.  And no ads running to lag and slow down the experience.  It’s doing what we can do.

What can you do to encourage your children, grandchildren, and others to pick up a book and enjoy a good read?  Books are excellent and thoughtful gifts when the holiday season rolls around.

But, why wait for the holidays? Give someone a book today, just for the sheer joy of it. We never know which book may provide a life-changing experience or motivation for someone.

And they would have you to thank for it. That’s pretty cool, yes?   — Jim  (and Red!)  🤠 🐻

If you enjoyed this piece, you may also enjoy → Opting for Millstones or Milestones — “The Desiderata” 

(And if a new visitor — Welcome! To find out what we are all about here, please check out — “Welcome To My Writing Pages!” — and sign up to follow and be notified of every new post!)

I invite you to visit with my #Gr8Blogs Writer Friends listed here for their book-loving thoughts and information, and to share yours in the Comments, as well.

Children’s Author Cat Michaels on “Cat’s Corner”

KidLit Blog by Children’s Author Rosie Russell

Author Rebecca Lyndsey

Fantasy Author Auden Johnson

Author Sandra Bennett’s “Story Chair” Blog

“I have a passion for teaching kids to become readers, to become comfortable with a book, not daunted. Books shouldn’t be daunting, they should be funny, exciting and wonderful; and learning to be a reader gives a terrific advantage.” – Roald Dahl

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.” — Emilie Buchwald

Meet Little Red Bear & His Friends —  “Once Upon A Time In A Very Special Woods . . . .”

Old-fashioned, Family-friendly Stories and Fun for All Ages! 
About an Uncommonly Special Bear and His Friends.

         “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend.  Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.”          – Groucho Marx

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With the help of patrons, each month we are able to donate free print copies of “The Adventures of Little Red Bear: The First Holler!” to Senior Citizens,  Schools,  Classrooms, and Local Libraries,  and to those who could otherwise not obtain a copy. 

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“A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.” — Neil Gaiman



13 thoughts on “Happy Book Lover’s Day — Why Lifetime Reading Is Important!

  1. You’re mom was a wonderful example and like you mentioned, is the reason you also have a love of reading. I hope to pass on a similar love to my boys. Books are just passages to new/old worlds waiting to be discovered. It’s sad how it’s becoming a lost art among the youth today.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for visiting with us, Carmela! Children today have so many varied and enticing (addictive?) distractions that we did not have when I was going to school years ago. But even then, so many would run to find the CliffsNotes for assigned reading books, rather than spend the time reading. As I mentioned to Jessica in reply to her comment, I am not sure that “reading” is an activity that children would naturally gravitate towards, picking up the reading habit and love of books on their own without someone else creating the environment, encouraging, and setting the example. That is why it is so important for parents and other influencers to do that. The statistics and numerous studies documenting the vital importance of reading are clear. I have no doubts that with you as their guide, your boys will be accomplished readers and book lovers! 🤠 🐻 ❤️


  2. I don’t know if I should admit that I’ve never read The Illiad or The Odyssey. Um…. anyway, I actually started off as a reader, but through the years, not many books were put in front of me, and I ended up only reading what was required of me and that was it. I’m glad to say that I encouraged my daughters to read and now they are bookworms!
    If you want to read my blog post, it’s on Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/18688313-book-lovers-day-2019
    Happy Book Lovers Day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for visiting with us, Jessica! I love your wonderful and honest blog post, Jessica! And you have brought up something that is so important, surrounding children with reading materials and setting the example because I don’t believe that reading is something anyone would naturally gravitate towards, especially given the increasing distractions today, without someone else leading and encouraging. Bravo to you and your girls! 🤠 🐻 ❤️


  3. Thank you for visiting, Cat! One of my mother’s friends brought several books over to give to me at the beginning of that summer, The Iliad and The Odyssey among them. I was fascinated by Achilles and then kept on reading. It was a great way to pass the time on really hot summer afternoons. 🤠 🐻


  4. I so agree with you James on reading to those at an young age. It make them lifetime readers. It’s sad to me when I hear others say they don’t care much for reading. I always tell them, they haven’t found the right books for them. They do open doors to new ideas, other cultures, and so much more.
    Happy Book Lovers’ Day and happy reading always!
    Thanks for your awesome post,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks always for visiting with us, Rosie! I think it is so sad, too, when others say they do not like to read because they are missing so much and so many opportunities to learn about anything they might choose, really. My concern is for a generation being raised on electronic “everything”, binge-watching TV shows for days at a time, and growing accustomed to all information being spoonfed, without effort or time spent in acquiring it. These are all passive activities, as opposed to engaged reading helping to develop critical thinking skills for the future. 🤠 🐻 ❤️


      • So right James, passive activities that will never be remembered. 😦
        I found a book for our guy a few weeks ago that he loved. I’ll share it soon. Not only does it have a story line that he’s interested in, the author keeps it open for readers to build the plot and finish the story. It’s wonderful.
        One has to find what they like, and go for it. They will find out how fun reading is.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Love your idea of books being gateways into other worlds. I agree, if you want to write, you must first be a reader. I love the power of words. Great blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for visiting and for the kind words, Julie! I think the more we can learn about and come to know other people and cultures, the less mysterious and frightening they become, We all have in common this one planet as our home. Travel is perhaps the best way to do that, with reading and books a very close second when travel is not an option. Thanks again and best wishes! 🤠 🐻

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Love, love, love this post James. I am an avid believer in reading from birth to give our children the best start in life. I too, have a passion to reach as many families as I can to encourage and foster a love of reading for all ages. I am going to re-post this in my Facebook group Raising Awesome Readers as I couldn’t have written it better myself. Thank you for an awesome post. Oh I nearly forgot to mention, I am always bringing home another book for my grandson. I love reading with him every day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your kind words and comments, Sandra! By all means, please feel free to share, as all of my material here is meant to be. Reading is so very important, critical really for a child’s future success in life. I never measure “success” by possessions or size of a portfolio, but rather simply as being a happy, centered, and well-rounded individual. Thanks again and we will work together to help spread the reading message! 🤠 🐻 ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Mercy, James….“The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” in sixth grade?!?! And reading at your mama’s knee? I’m beyond impressed.

    I have a lovely image of “books being gateways.” They’ve opened doors for me, too, fostering my love of reading that also helps me grow my writing muscles. Thanks for sharing your bookishness -:D!


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